The Basics of Dominoes
A domino is a small rectangular wooden or plastic block marked with pips or dots like those on dice. It is used in game playing along with other small blocks, usually called aces, to form a line of play. When a domino is played, it sets off a chain reaction that causes other dominoes to fall. The resulting pattern is sometimes referred to as the layout, string, or line of play. The number of tiles in the line of play at any time is called the count.
A person who plays domino is often referred to as a player, a fan, or a chesser. A person who organizes or leads a group of players is known as a leader or ringmaster. The leader may also be a referee or an umpire in certain games.
Using dominoes is an interesting way to teach children about the concepts of gravity and momentum. The dominoes are easy to handle and have a familiar shape. The fact that they all fit together helps to make learning about these principles less intimidating.
Dominoes have long been a popular toy for both young and old. There are many different ways to play with them, but the basics of the game are the same in all of them. In the early days, the term domino was used in English to refer to a long, hooded cloak worn with a mask during carnival season or at a masquerade. Its French sense is similar, as it referred to the black domino pieces that contrasted with a priest’s white surplice.
As a result, the word Domino has come to mean “something that is both common and unique.” This could be the reason that Dominos’ new pizza-delivery vehicle is being hailed as a symbol of innovation and success for a company that’s been around for nearly sixty years.
In some domino games, a player draws the number of tiles permitted to be taken from the stock, adding them to those he is holding in his hand. He then makes his first play by playing a domino from the stock. In other games, the highest double or the heaviest single begins play. If there is a tie, the players draw additional tiles to determine who will play first.
Standing a domino upright gives it potential energy, which is stored based on its position. When the domino falls, much of this potential energy is converted to kinetic energy, or the energy of motion. The same principle applies to nerve impulses, which travel at a constant speed and lose no energy as they travel down the length of the axon. A triggering domino can therefore trigger a domino effect that continues on until the nerve signal reaches its destination. Then the response can be stopped. Just as with a domino, this response is difficult to predict. Whether you’re a pantser who writes by the seat of your pants, or a plotter who uses a detailed outline and Scrivener, it is important to remember that the domino effect is an essential part of creating a compelling story.